Ran Zi asked for grain for the mother of Zi-hua who was away on a mission to Qi. The Master said, “Give her one fu.” Ran Zi asked for more. “Give her one yu” Ran Zi gave her five bing of grain.
The Master said, “Chi went off to Qi in a carriage drawn by well-fed horses and was wearing light furs. I have heard it said, ‘A gendeman gives to help the needy and not to maintain the rich in style.”
On becoming his steward, Yuan Si was given nine hundred measures of grain which he declined. The Master said, “Can you not find a use for it in helping the people in your neighborhood?”
公西赤出使齊國,冉有替公西赤的母親請求小米。孔子說:「給他六斗四升。」冉有請求增加一些。孔子說:「再給他二斗四升。」 結果冉有竟給了他八百斗。孔子說:「公西赤到齊國去,坐的是肥馬駕的車輛,穿的是又輕又暖的皮袍。我聽說過:君子周濟急需而不給富人添富。」 原思任孔子家的總管,孔子給他小米九百斗作俸祿,原思覺得太多,推辭不受。孔子說:「不要推辭!把多餘的送給你的鄰里鄉親的窮人吧!」
4、楊伯峻 今譯,劉殿爵 英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。